Детска градина Малкият принц, Пловдив

Subject Verb Agreement Questions Quiz

Subject-verb agreement is an important grammar concept that every writer should be familiar with. It refers to the correct matching of the subject and verb in a sentence. A sentence with a subject and verb that do not match in number can be confusing and misleading. Therefore, it is essential to master this concept to communicate effectively and accurately in written language.

To help you test your understanding of subject-verb agreement, we have designed a quiz that will challenge you to identify the correct match between subjects and verbs. This quiz is ideal for anyone who wants to improve their writing skills and increase their knowledge of grammar rules.


Answer the following questions by selecting the verb that agrees with the subject of the sentence.

1. The cat on the mat ___ fast asleep.

a. is

b. are

c. was

d. were

2. My friends and I ___ planning to go to the beach this weekend.

a. was

b. were

c. is

d. are

3. The committee ___ divided over the issue of climate change.

a. is

b. are

c. were

d. was

4. Each of the students ___ a different topic for their research paper.

a. chooses

b. choose

c. chosen

d. chose

5. The news of his resignation ___ a shock to everyone.

a. was

b. were

c. is

d. are

6. Neither the teacher nor the students ___ happy about the new schedule.

a. am

b. is

c. are

d. were

7. The flowers in the garden ___ in full bloom.

a. is

b. are

c. was

d. were

8. The group of dancers ___ rehearsing for the big performance.

a. is

b. are

c. was

d. were

9. One of the boys ___ a talented musician.

a. is

b. are

c. was

d. were

10. All of the staff ___ to attend the meeting at noon.

a. needs

b. need

c. needing

d. needed


1. a

2. d

3. a

4. a

5. a

6. b

7. b

8. a

9. a

10. b


Subject-verb agreement is a crucial element of writing that every writer should master. This quiz has given you an opportunity to test your knowledge of this concept and identify areas where you need improvement. By practicing subject-verb agreement, you can improve your writing skills significantly and communicate more effectively.

Детска градина „Малкият Принц“

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